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Wednesday 28 August 2013

Puffin again

Here is the small Puffin, I have got about 50 photos still, NO NO NO NO.......................

Monday 26 August 2013

Redshank (Tringa totanus)

Redshanks breed in damp places like saltmarshes, flood meadows and around lakes, but during winter you'll see lots more of them on estuaries and coastal lagoons – as many as half of these birds may be from Iceland. The greatest concentrations of breeding birds are in parts of Scotland and north-west England. (RSPB)

Sunday 25 August 2013

Greylag Goose (Anser anser)

The ancestor of most domestic geese, the greylag is the largest and bulkiest of the wild geese native to the UK and Europe. In many parts of the UK it has been re-established by releasing birds in suitable areas, but the resulting flocks (often mixed with Canada geese) found around gravel pits, lakes and reservoirs all year round in southern Britain tend to be semi-tame and uninspiring. The native birds and wintering flocks found in Scotland retain the special appeal of truly wild geese. (RSPB)