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Thursday 16 February 2012

Grey Squirrel (Forest of Dean)

This one is for Theresa I know how much she loves them, lol. Tree rats!!!
 This is my better side
 And now, here is my arse side
 This is my frontal head shot
Help, I'm falling off...........................

I personlly  think that the album is better

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Meadow Pipit (River Severn, Lydney)

The sun has come out to play,  at 14.00 hours, too late for me though. Here are the images I took yesterday.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Sunday 12 February 2012

Female Blackcap - part 2 (same as yesterdays)

This morning was a waste of time, cloudy, and then, it started, 2.00 o'clock, it was a sunny day, but it was no good. I don't go out in the afternoon. Dull and mournful aren't I!!!!!!