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Wednesday 19 January 2011

Brambling at Forest of Dean - HOOF

I was sitting around and thinking and dropping off to sleep, when, there he was, the Brambling. Not any good photos, still it will do. So, it is the first one this year, yippee.
The latest of the figures that you are dying for, is: 160883. Save Our Forests

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Robin (Parkend, Forest of Dean - HOOF)

He/she may be very common, but, it is so cuddly.
The latest of the figures that you are dying for, is:  157933 Save our forests

Monday 17 January 2011

Magpie (Forest of Dean) "HOOF"

Today was the finest day since, I don't know, the number doesn't matter. Today I went OUT, and I took these pictures of the Magpie, the same that is always there, with a hooked beak. I thought to myself of a name for it. But, I can't do it, so there is a person who might name it, anything will do.
 Save our forests  is now 153930 people who have signed the petition, let's make it 200000.

Sunday 16 January 2011

Cormorant by the Lydney boating lake.

Tomorrow, it sounds there is a pleasant day on the horizon, but, I will not say any more, because it turns around. Save our forests Today it is: 147975 people that signed the petition, please sign it.