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Sunday 4 March 2012

Blackbird (By the 1st Lake, Harbour Road, Lydney)

Believe it or not, I haven't taken any shots of birds, I've been used to those from my "little bag". Now, I'm running out. There has been bad weather, and there was one day I could have taken my camera, but, I had to pick up my son. It is very nice to be with him for a night. Let's have a happy birds day for the camera.

Friday 2 March 2012


It was a miserable kind of day, some sunshine but, hazy. So, I sorted these out, cut, doctored up and hey presto, this what I have to send you.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Female Mallard Duck (Lydney, the Boating Lake)

It was a foggy day here until at 1400hrs it became a sunny one, hooray. So, I went out, not very far, just to have few shots at something. I got them, sit back and enjoy.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Great Crested Grebe (Forest of Dean)

I have been reading Keith's blog ( and I was a little bit jealous, lol. The Great Crested Grebe I thought, I know where it might be, so I got my trailor and my Tramper, (mobility scooter), headed over to the FOD. And yes, there it is. But it was too far to get a shot in. So, here is one from a couple of years.