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Wednesday 21 July 2010

Coot (Forest of Dean)

This morning wasn't too bad, but, the afternoon wasn't very nice, with loads of showers. I'm glad that I had done with birdwatching this morning, but not the poor old dragonflies and butterflies! I think they wont mind too much.

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Common Crane

The Common Crane, ah aint it lovelllllly. My words are getting into a mess. So I said, look at the pictures, not the words.

Monday 19 July 2010

Otter at Slimbridge WWT

Had a bit of fun today at Slimbridge, I saw the Otters. They are loads of fun, I'm amazed the things that they amused themselves with. Well, they look quite happy there.

Sunday 18 July 2010

More of the little things.

Small Copper butterfly
Gatekeeper butterfly
Common Blue Damselfly
It was a dull day, overcast and a drop of drizzle. The only way to get photographs, was to go out and catch them. Sadly, I couldn't get one, so its my turn to find some. Ah, there they are, hiding.

Saturday 17 July 2010

The little things.

A Greenbottle
Followed by a moth (possibly The Lackey)
A spiders web, and its a large one. All done by one spider. What should she/he been doing in there.....