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Saturday 10 July 2010

Juvenile Herring Gull at Lydney boating lake.

It was hot today, for some it was mediocre. But, I felt it, I couldn't stay out about 4 hours, so photos will have to wait, except the little juvenile Herring Gull.
Question: What happened to the Painted Lady butterflies?

Friday 9 July 2010

Thursday 8 July 2010

Holly Blue butterfly (Lydney, the Marshes)

The Holly Blue, that leaves it's eggs in a holly bush/tree. It was a bit strange, as it flies April-May and August-September. But not in July, or so my books say.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

The Black-headed Gulls are coming home.....

The B-H Gulls are finished with the sea, now it is time to lose their mantles, not for a while anyway. Every day I have a look at the lake in Lydney, for anything good, and found them there.