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Wednesday 13 May 2009

Ringed Teal(Slimbridge WWT)

A small duck of South American forests. And, it's been raining all day, that's why I had to throw in this picture. It is nice too.

Monday 11 May 2009

Common Lizard (New Fancy)

I went on my travels to New Fancy, (Forest of Dean) to see the Adder. But, I found the Common Lizard instead, who doesn't seem to mind that the Adder will make a dinner of our Lizard. He or she, is sitting right in the Adders spot for sunbathing.

Sunday 10 May 2009

Goosander (Slimbridge)

I am back with a few more shots of Slimbridge, this is a Goosander female, a bit too late to be here. I don't know if it is supposed to stay here so late.

Saturday 9 May 2009

Baikal Teal (Slimbridge WWT)

What a great name, Baikal, I don't know where it is, if you can call it that. Maybe it is something else. All the same, it's a stunning bird. I had never seen it there before, but it's been in their books or magazines.