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Tuesday 3 February 2009

Monday 2 February 2009

Collared Dove (My garden)

These were taken in the snow, not as bad (or good, whatever you might think), and behind a glass opening. A window. I had to be there, because it was freeeeeeeeezing! Oh, they were right, meteorologists, and for once they had to celebrate themselves.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Great Spotted Woodpecker (Cannop Ponds)

Here he is, tapping quite melodiously. It was very loud, so loud it was deafening. Its really beautiful.
It was a dull day, until 2.00pm when the sun came out. The weather person has said its going to snow, but, I don't believe it!

Saturday 31 January 2009

Reed Bunting (Cannop Ponds)

Thanks to Kay (Brightside Birders) and Tom (Bird Snapping) who have joined the useful links.

Friday 30 January 2009

Black-headed Gull (Lydney boating lake)

This time of year, a few have gained their mantle. It's quite extraordinary how they have gone changes, when all of the others are still without theirs.