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Monday 27 October 2008

Egyptian Goose at Slimbridge WWT

The first time I've got to show you the Egyptian Goose. I could see a lot of other things, but you will have to wait a little bit later on.

Sunday 26 October 2008

Tree Creeper at Moseley Green

Occasionally you have this thing that you don't want, its the taking good photographs, well, it seems like its turned on me, for the last 10 days. This is a Tree Creeper, yes, it is. I found it on a track leading down to the Rising Sun, a pub. No I couldn't drink that wondrous stuff BEER. I was driving a car......................

Friday 24 October 2008

Thursday 23 October 2008

Marsh Tit at Cannop Ponds

Another Marsh Tit at the feeding spot. It's good for those birds, and the people who go there just watch them and those that are going to feed them.