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Wednesday 2 July 2008

Roman Snail at Wild Lydney

We met up with the person, no names, from the Gloucestershire County Council today. My colleague, Dave from Gloucestershire LifeStyles, was there to help me. I speak awfully in those positions. Anyway, he said that he would try to sort this thing out with a new gate. We might get it in the close future. Let's wait for him?

Tuesday 1 July 2008

Ringlet at Wild Lydney

I came to a new path being made at Harbour Road, Lydney. Really great, until I found that there was no room for disabled people. They are putting in three "kissing gates", but not the right ones. I'm waiting for them to come along and tell us what they are doing. The meeting is at 3.00pm Wednesday 2nd July at the Harbour Road, the old tip site. There is a tremendous amount of Nature, such as Bee Orchids, Lapwings, Dragonflies, Butterflies, the odd foxes and many more. The land is owned by Network Rail, and Lydney Town Council and Gloucestershire County Council who are helping with it.

Monday 30 June 2008

Common Hawker (female) at Kensleyridge Inclosure

It's all Dragonflies, but that's alright. I went out to find a Fallow Deer, and would you believe it, I was looking in the eyes of the beautiful thing. She stayed for a few seconds and then she was gone, no photograph I'm affraid.

Sunday 29 June 2008

Female Black Darter?????????? at the Marshes

I am not sure if this is a Black Darter. It's quite easy to get it all together, especially the females! Thanks to Andy Carey, who has helped me, though he's away in Scotland, searching out the Orchids, Eagles, Butterflies and Squirrels to name just a few. I can't wait to see his website.