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Wednesday 27 January 2010

Glass Wing (greta oto) butterfly

I didn't go to Mexico or Panama to get a pic of this lovely butterfly. No, I went to Symonds Yat (east). It is great to be out. But, it was a morbid day again, which made it less photogenic. They lost most of their stock, because they were cold winter, so there wasn't many butterflies. I shall go there later.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Blackcap (photographed in 2009)

Yeah, your right - it was in the spring of last year. I went to take my son for a birthday treat in the pub, he had two pints of ale, I drank one.....I'm driving! We aslo had a meal, he had a normal lasagne and I ate (vegetarian) a stilton on vegetables bake. I didn't find any stilton, but it had some cheese. Anyway, we enjoyed it.

Monday 25 January 2010

Sunday 24 January 2010

Just two of the Tits (New Fancy, Forest of Dean)

Two Coal Tits
A Great Tit
I was going to stay at home because it was foggy, but I thought that if I just go upwards to the Forest, where there is a possibly some sun. And guess what, it was brilliant sunshine.

Saturday 23 January 2010

Long-tailed Tits

We had plenty of sunlight in the Forest of Dean, but I went to Cirencester, where there wasn't any. Drat! Never mind, it was worth doing, because I saw my mum, dad, bruv and his lovely wife.