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Monday 24 February 2014

Part 8. Slimbridge WWT. Bewick's Swan [Cygnus columbianus]

Adults are white all over and young birds greyish with a pinkish bill. Compared to the similar whooper swan, these swans have proportionally more black and less yellow on their bill. They're also smaller than both mute and whooper swans and have faster wingbeats. [RSPB]

Saturday 22 February 2014

Friday 21 February 2014

Part 5 Slimbridge. Common Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna)

This is a big, colourful duck, bigger than a mallard but smaller than a goose. Both sexes have a dark green head and neck, a chestnut belly stripe and a red bill.

We're asleep, go away!!
 I am here, wide awake
 Let us snore, please

Ha ha, NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!