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Saturday 15 October 2011

Coal Tits and a lone Brambling (Forest of Dean)

The weather people had it wrong again, phew, they said we would having a sunny day. But, I went out, and I found the Brambling, it wasn't too good a photo, but, I had thought of you..........
 Coal Tit

Jean Michel Jarre - En Attendant Cousteau

Friday 14 October 2011

Common Darter (1st Lake, Harbour Road, Lydney)

HOORAY, HOORAY, I  got out today. It was a lovely day, all full of sun, and fun.

Grateful Dead - Uncle John's Band

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Juvenile Jackdaw (Lydney)

A beauuuuuuuuuuuuutiful morning we had today, the morning not the afternoon. I didn't find very much, but, I captured this, a juvenile Jackdaw.