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Tuesday 8 March 2011

Sea Eagle

I met Bob Jones the photographer, we had a day out. So we went to Brierley to catch the Hawfinches. We set up our hides and wait, for two hours we were waiting, all we found was a couple of Robin, Siskins, Great Tits and a Coal Tit. So we went up to Speech House to catch a Buzzard and maybe a Raven, but, we didn't catch a whisper of each of both them, which is a strange, there, you can always see or listen to their calling. Never mind, it was a grand day!

Monday 7 March 2011

Saturday 5 March 2011

Lesser Redpoll - Alvington, Brian Thomas' garden.

I read that he had written in the the "Deanbirders Daily Records" that there were a few nipping in and taking the nyjer seeds, so I nipped over to his place and started to film them. It wasn't very good, because there was nothing but clouds, anyway here they are.