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Friday 26 June 2009

Thursday 25 June 2009

Bee Orchid (close up) - Wild Lydney

The Bee Orchid, it's rather small. Taken with a macro lens. I will try and get the real images.

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Red Kite (Gloucestershire)

This is my favourite of all birds of prey. They are awesome! They have strengthened their position in the range of distance and breeding places. Let's hope that our children can see them.

Monday 22 June 2009

Peregrine Falcon (ICBP)

I spent all day at the international centre for the birds of prey, which is a wonderful place to visit. The centre is run by Jemima Parry - Jones and all those who help her in that serious job. Go and have a look, its really nice.