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Thursday 19 February 2009

Coal Tit (New Fancy View)

This bird is so tiny, you would like to give a hand with the peanut. But, it's just brave. New Fancy View is open, it might have been open for a while, but I couldn't get there. The Hawfinch wasn't there, maybe I'd better ask somebody. It is really good to be allowed back.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Spring is coming

It certainly is coming, after last week, we were snowed up and desperate for the sunshine. This wasn't a sunny one, but you know what I mean. I think!!!!!!! Are we about to get on the spring wagon, lets hope so.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Bullfinch (Lydney)

It's the weather, that's why its dark and gloomy. But, there was this that took my attention, a Bullfinch keeping a watch out while all the birds are having their nibbling.

Monday 16 February 2009

Sunday 15 February 2009

Bracket Fungi (Lydney)

A beautiful shape to this Fungi, it's a real find. It grows underneath the trunk so it doesn't get so much of the sun. Well, I suppose that's what I think!