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Tuesday 29 April 2008

Pintail taken at Slimbridge WWT

Another rainy day, time to delve into the past. This was photographed back in February, it was a good day!!

Sunday 27 April 2008

Common Blue Butterfly

It's a nice butterfly, the first that I've seen around here this summer. Last year it disappeared due to it being an atrocious summer. I hope that it will stay a bit longer this time.

Saturday 26 April 2008

The Goslings at Lydney lake

There are 14 of them, cuddly aren't they? After the anglers had tried hard to get rid of them, they are here again. I can't blame the anglers for wanting them gone, but somebody keeps putting new ones on the lake. Maybe they need to investigate who it is?

Thursday 24 April 2008

Found growing on a rubbish tip

What was I doing on a rubbish tip, well I was looking for a Grey Wagtail. I couldn't catch one, so it had to stick with the flower.

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Orange-tip butterfly at Lydney lake.

The Orange-tip was a nice surprise, though last year it had come earlier. It must have been that global warming has taken the year off!